
  • name: Sniper
  • birthday: may 2 2009
  • mbti: INTJ
  • pronouns: she/her
  • alignment: lawful neutral
  • height: 4'10"
  • gallery
  • playlist
  • likes

  • birdwatching
  • murder
  • campfires
  • country music
  • dislikes

  • Zoe
  • running out of bullets
  • flies
  • extreme heat
  • trivia

  • main hobby is reading
  • she has no sleep schedule
  • she's really good at fishing
  • story

    Sniper's main goal in life is to retain honor and die at the right time. She spent her short life training and memorizing every fact of nature, knowing the earth better than current knowledge. The only way her team can survive an apocalypse is to put the zombies to a permanent rest.
