
  • name: Ronnie
  • birthday: february 10 2007
  • mbti: INFJ
  • pronouns: he/him
  • alignment: neutral good
  • height: 6'
  • gallery
  • playlist
  • likes

  • bread
  • wearing layers
  • voice recording
  • Mack
  • dislikes

  • dead bodies
  • being alone
  • worms
  • heavy rain
  • trivia

  • Ronnie can barely read, but he knows at least half the alphabet
  • he loves listening to pop and 90's soft rock
  • Sniper taught him how to fish and he taught her how to sew
  • his glasses were an early gift from Mack
  • he spends some of his free time chasing stray cats
  • story

    Ronnie threw himself into becoming a medic before he could even finish learning how to read, assisting the nurses and doctors at every medical campsite. He's held hands with bodies as they died, zipped up their bags and buried them with his own prayers. Two of those people were his parents.

    After helping Sniper patch up her eye and nursing her back to health, the two have stuck together like adopted siblings. He's also gained quite a friendship with Idina, who he considers to be his future Maid of Honor. Moving on from Mack's lie to steal his dogtags isn't easy, and Ronnie hopes it isn't blackmail for his real name, but sometimes he gets too drunk to even remember why he was mad at Mack in the first place.

    Ronnie's solo mission is to invent a healing serum for the zombies so he can bring them back to normal. His first test subject was Idina's arm, though he was only 75% sure if it would even work or not, but it's been a week and Idina's been in perfect shape!
