
  • name: Mack
  • birthday: november 19 2006
  • mbti: ESTP
  • pronouns: he/him
  • alignment: chaotic neutral
  • height: 5'5"
  • gallery
  • playlist
  • likes

  • spray paint
  • alcohol
  • the gym
  • causing problems
  • dislikes

  • zombies
  • silence
  • sleeping
  • Zoe
  • trivia

  • his hair's not naturally bright red
  • his favorite resturaunt's called "Roadhouse Diner", and serves the best dessert ever: the Bloody Mary Sundae
  • he regularly works out to the entire Journey discography
  • his favorite color is "every shade of blue"
  • another mission of his is to teach Ronnie how to read
  • story

    Mack lied to Ronnie about being from the military having lost his dogtags, and since he got ahold of Ronnie's, he's managed to infiltrate private property and wipeout over 90 zombies. The rest of his backstory is unknown. He supposedly has no family, or at least none he seems to acknowledge, but Ronnie has made more appearances in his past than he wants to admit- back before either of them started resulting to fake names.

    When he's not watching 80's comedies and feeling incredibly lonely, Mack's usually mapping out Zoe's schedule and matching it to a new deadly weapon set on her coordinates. Everything he does, he does alone. That being said, Zoe always comes out on top to drag him out to dinner, where she swallows her poisoned food with a grin as he bears his frustration.

    If Mack ever makes it out of this apocalypse alive, he might retire in his favorite place in the world: Miami. If he doesn't, he'll either go out with his emergency cyanide pill, or down like a hero. He's prepared for both.
