
  • name: Idina
  • birthday: march 9 2007
  • mbti: INFP
  • pronouns: she/her
  • alignment: neutral good
  • height: 5'6"
  • gallery
  • playlist
  • likes

  • cooking
  • flowers
  • card games
  • marketplaces
  • dislikes

  • gore
  • olives
  • huge crowds
  • EDM
  • trivia

  • she's less afraid of zombies than most people
  • she loves mac n cheese
  • story

    Idina is the most recent member of the trio, the eldest and is the only one who can drive, cook, and isn't afraid of zombies due to her survival of the disease. Her personal mission is to find her family, and carry the optimism she believes the other two severely lack.

    She grew up living and working in her family's renowned seafood resturaunt, regularly meeting tourists from around the world who would tell her stories of their adventures. Her earliest wish was to become a traveler just like them.

    When the apocalypse hit, she and her family were forced to evacuate to zombie shelters. They kept their tradition of serving the public, and after becoming too overwhelmed to participate, Idina ran away into the wild, getting attacked by a zombie before Sniper and Ronnie promptly killed it.
