
  • name: Bailey Nirvana
  • birthday: October 17 2006
  • mbti: ISFJ
  • pronouns: they/them
  • alignment: chaotic evil
  • height: 5'3"
  • gallery
  • playlist
  • likes

  • arson
  • Minecraft
  • axe-throwing
  • alternative indie
  • Art movies
  • dislikes

  • Mack
  • Mack's cologne
  • Georgia (the whole state)
  • that old man at the movie theater
  • trivia

  • his hair's not naturally bright red
  • his favorite resturaunt's called "Roadhouse Diner", and serves the best dessert ever: the Bloody Mary Sundae
  • he regularly works out to the entire Journey discography
  • his favorite color is "every shade of blue"
  • another mission of his is to teach Ronnie how to read
  • story

    Bailey has had gender dysphoria for their whole life, but right after they crossed that border, now they have to deal with the apocalypse. Just their luck, huh? Can't nonbinary people just have normal lives?

    If they can make it to the end of the story, then they need to make sure Mack doesn't.
